PIM's annual event considers issues that affect integrity management in the North Sea.

The Oil industry loves a good conference.
They provide an opportunity to network; to catch up with the latest products, services and technology and to get a break from day to day pressures.
But, they can be expensive to attend, and they often degrade into a series of sales presentations.
How about running our own conference, making it free to attend and insisting that none of the presentations are in any way sales oriented
PIM came up with the idea of providing the industry's first truly "integrity only" conference.
Rather than being a series of dull sales presentation, hidden amongst a number of unrelated soliloquies at a large corporately run conference, this was to be a half day of short, sharp thought provoking opinion pieces similar to TED talks.
Each presentation was to last between just 15 and 20 minutes and the whole event was to be over in just half a day.

PIM Event 2018
Our first conference in 2018 was way outside our comfort zone.
We weren't an events management company? Would anyone turn up? Would they appreciate the format? Would we score a massive own goal? It was a hit!!

PIM Event 2019
The 2019 PIM Event moved to a larger venue, brought in industry speakers and doubled the number of delegates.
Once again, all the feedback was positive and supportive, [except for the external noise from building works in an adjacent building!!!]