Static Pressure Systems

Why Static Pressure Systems?

Fundamental to the safety and continued successful operation of any process plant is the integrity of the vessels and pipework that comprise it.

These vessels and the associated pipework are generally referred to as static pressure systems and include amongst other items: -

  • Vessels (separators, scrubbers, KO-pots etc.)
  • Heat exchangers (shell and tube, plate etc.)
  • Tanks (fuels, chemicals etc.)
  • Pipework (process, instrument, flow lines, flexible etc.)
  • Instrument bridles (and other miscellaneous piping arrangements),
  • Other static, pressure containing systems.

PIM's Capability

PIM's expertise in the area of static pressure systems ranges from day to day operational integrity management in support of a client's operations through to expert consultancy which may cover: -

  • Development of new company strategies,
  • Corrosion management systems,
  • Fit for service [FFS] assessments,
  • Integrity health checks [audits of management systems, processes, strategies, competencies, organisational arrangements etc.],
  • Development of Written Schemes of Examination,
  • Provision of IMS Software - PIM Optimum,

Key Aspects of Static Pressure System Integrity Management and the Work Cycle

The integrity management process for static pressure systems follows the standard framework of: -

  • Identification and registration of equipment [in static pressure systems]
  • Assessment and understanding of the criticality of each item [Consequence of Failure (CoF)]

to define the initial status,

This is then followed by a continuous work cycle as below, to manage ongoing condition, anomalies, inspection and repairs: -

  • Based on the CoF [and any historical inspection/condition information] - define an appropriate ongoing Written Scheme of Examination (WSE)
  • Create an inspection plan
  • Collate inspection work-packs for implementation
  • Carry out inspections and record details
  • Create an inspection report assessing condition, degradation and anomalies
  • Identify and plan / carry out any required repairs
  • Use inspected condition and CoF from the reports to redefine appropriate WSEs based on risk.