Aligned Targets and Aspirations
Many integrity companies concentrate on the enactment side of the business, supplying technicians and equipment to carry out inspections as if these inspections are simple commodities. The more inspections carried out, the more revenue.
With companies like these, technical consultancy knowledge and experience are often dismissed as being expensive (low profit) luxuries which can potentially have the additional unwanted result [for the supplier] of reducing the amount of inspection required, thus reducing revenue. This often leads to a conflict of interest and results in tension between between inspection companies and their clients.
As PIM do not generally supply technicians directly to clients to carry out inspections, there is no conflict. Indeed PIM's goal is to help our clients to carry out the correct amount of inspection based on the risk that they are comfortable being exposed to. PIM's aspirations are therefore able to be perfectly aligned with our clients'.
Consultancy Expertise
Understanding and positioning ourselves alongside our clients' higher level strategic goals and objectives, rather than simply ensuring that all planned inspections are carried out on time for example, requires PIM to maintain a consultancy mindset.
This means that we are able to put ourselves inside the heads of our clients and deliver to them what they really need and deserve.
Our consultancy offerings over the years have included: -
- Integrity Healthchecks - where PIM reviews a company's entire integrity management framework, considering everything from policy through to procedures, roles and responsibilities through to competence assessment; and provides a detailed, prioritised improvement plan and roadmap to guide management improvement initiatives.
- Competency Audits - including management audits where individual team dynamics are taken into account.
- Creation of entire corporate IMS systems - from policy through strategies and procedures to individual inspection routines. and forms.
- Application of Integrity Management / Safety Management consultancy to make smart risk based decisions about complex integrity issues.
- Many examples of authoring industry guidance documents and taking part in steering groups and industry committees.